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Fin - The End

Unfortunately also this grand experience in Chile ended for me. Six months of hard work on my thesis, of traveling and having fun. I am happy to got to know an amazing and crazy group of friends who showed me the incredible nightlife of Santiago. In my time in Latin America I was able not only to learn some Spanish, but I also could learn about life, lifestyle and traditions. I understood what social classes and poverty mean, but also learned about the great power of friendliness and gratitude.
The adventures and events I lived are innumerable, but all were full of impressions and emotions.

Further down you will find the links to the 3 big travels I did and the detailed blogs of each month (in Spanish).


Puedes encontrar información y fotos de mi viajes en la seccíon TravelBlog de mi sitio. Los viajes son:

Buenos Aires & Patagonia
Peru, Bolivia y el norte de Chile
Region de los lagos (Chile, Argentina) y Isla de Chiloé

Blog de los meses pasados:




